Zanky 应用

Belajar MS Office Lengkap 5.0
Aplikasi Buku ini beberapa pelajaran tentangbagaimana caranya menguasai software Microsoft Office Word danExcel secara otodidakjangan khawatir tidak bisa mempelajarinya, karena didalamnya sudahdisertai Gambar dan petunjuk cara penggunannyapemula pun pasti langsung bisa mempraktekannya secara cepatBooks are a few lessonson how to master the software Microsoft Office Word and ExcelautodidactDo not worry about not being able to learn, because in it have withpictures and instructions on how penggunannyabeginner would immediately put it into practice quickly
Dzikir dan Doa Setelah Shalat 1.0
Aplikasi buku ini membahas bacaan bacaandzikir dan doa setelah sholat yang diajarkan oleh Nabi kitaMuhammad, dengan mengetahui cara berdzikir dan berdo’a yang baiktentunya di harapkan ibadah sholat yang kita lakukan bisa lebihsempurna.This book discusses theapplication of reading reading devotions and prayer after prayertaught by our Prophet Muhammad, by knowing how to dhikr and praythat both of course in the hope that we do daily prayers can bemore perfect.
Kids Memory Funny 1.0
Kids Memory Training Game is a game thatisperfectly suited to train the memory of the children:- Kategory Choose the image you want in play, such asfood,sports, and Halloween- Ren kids can also choose the level of play that Shammai withthemost difficult level, so that the child - the child is gettinggoodat rememberingFeatures fitted with attractive drawings in order to addinsightto the child recognize new objects, as well as children -childrencan easily identify something.
Timber Woodcutter 1.1
Let's train the ability to cut downtreesthrough this exciting game, guaranteed addictive andexcitingcourse.This game was made to accompany the Android so users can usetheempty time to play this game.are you ready scored the highest with the most cuttingtrees,immediately download this game and have fun enjoy
Train Your Memory 1.1
Train your memory through the game TrainYourMemoryin this game you can train your memory as good as possible sothatyou can later easily remember all the things that you oftenforgetanyone who can play this game?This game can be played for all ages and most certainlyrecommendedfor young children for the sake of power train theirfishingif you have a bad memory?Do you often forget something important?Do you want to sharpen your memory?if so !! download now the game and train your memory as sharpaspossible.
Amalan Bulan Syawwal 1.0
Aplikasi ini dibuat untuk orang orangyangingin belajar bagaimana mengamalkan amalan yang dilakukansetiapbulan syawal, dan juga bisa menjadi pedoman bagi umatmuslimadapun amalan amalan yang ada pada aplikasi ini berupa :- Disyari'atkannya Puasa Enam Hari Pada Bulan Syawwal- Keutamaan Puasa Enam Hari Syawwal- Beberapa Faedah Bulan Syawwal- Haruska Berturut-turut Setelah Idul Fitri- Bila Masih Punya Tanggungan Puasa Ramadhan- Kalau Memang Ada Udzur Sehingga Keluar Blan Syawwal- Menggabung Niat Puasanah itu lah isi dari aplikasi ini, semoga para umat muslimyangmendownload aplikasi ini diberikan berkah dan kesehatanselaluuntuk beribadah dijalan ALLAh, AMIN !!!This application ismadefor those people who want to learn how to practice the deed isdoneevery month of Shawwal, and also can serve as guidelinesforMuslimsAs for the existing of deeds in this application form:- Disyari'atkannya Fasting Six Days In Month Syawwal- The virtue of Shawwal Fasting Six Days- Some Benefits month Shawwal- Haruska Successive After Eid- When Still Have Dependent Fasting Ramadan- If It's Out There udzur So Blan Syawwal- Merging Intention Fastingnah it was the content of this application, I hope the Muslimswhodownload this application is given a blessing and health alwaystoworship the streets GOD, AMEN !!!